
HSP Sick Day

Well alrighty!!

First blog post. CHECK!
Start before you’re ready. CHECK!
Sick today. Ugh. Check….

Yesterday was all sneezing, itchy eyes, and itchy throat. I thought it was my wondrous Texas allergies rocking my day.

Then evening rolls around. Itchy, scratchy throat.
Wait. Is it sore now??

12 am. Yep. Definitely sore throat.
Well, crap.

This morning I didn’t walk Ranger (our little furry rescue), and he followed me around with his award-winning (in my book) puppy eyes. Oatmeal with bananas sounded good. It was. And I canceled all classes for the day. (As homeschool principal, I can do that.) Little D can read her library book because her teacher is taking a sick day.

Also, I’ll have to figure out something for tonight. Our family has reservations for dinner at our nearby 2-star dining table, but I think the chef may be calling in sick, too.

(And if you’re wondering, I sent the housekeeper home, too. She was looking pretty low on energy. Fortunately for me, my hubby and Little D are awesome.)

Hopefully, I won’t have continuing staffing issues tomorrow. This ship doesn’t sail itself, as you all well know. But a day or two of drifting won’t sink us.

A good book and cup of tea will fix most anything.

I think I’ll just check in again with Kate Daniels (my most fave book series EVERRR!) and figure out how many pillows it takes to make an award-worthy bed-cliner.

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